
Talking Pensioner Blues

Liam Hinfey walked out of the Wayne County Airport, a bit lost, searching and scanning for a taxi stand. He hadn't been to the Motor City since Reagan was finishing up his presidency. Much to his consternation, his daughter had recently moved here to set up shop, with her husband to be. He didn't understand why someone would move to this city, as it had been one of the cities hit worst by the GFC.

After walking aimlessly around Liam found a taxi stand, where the taxi attendant asked him to move into Bay 8. A dirty run down yellow cab rolled up, stopping somewhere between Bay 8 and the next one up, Bay 7. This was Liam's taxi.

"Where to?", said the curmudgeon cab driver.

"Gross Pointe Farms. Going to see my daughter, she's getting married", said the seemingly retired passenger.

Once on 94, Liam looked at the cab driver, and realized that he was in the company of someone in his own age class. He was a strained breather with constant sniffs, that alway came in quanties of two. He was a bit hunched over, probably housing a herniated disk, much like himself. And he didn't seem overly happy to be alive.

"How's your day going", Liam asked the cab driver.

"Not bad, but I didn't want to get up this morning. One of those mornings where I didn't feel like getting out of bed. Cranky. Miserable. Achy", stated the cabbie.

"Yep, I know those mornings, and the older I get they become more consistent" Liam said. "How long have you been driving a cab?"

"36 years", said the cabbie.

"Wow, that's a long ..." started Liam but cut off by the cab driver.

"Just a couple of years, just a couple of years", said the cabbie with a wry smile now finally making eye contact with Liam.

"Oh yeah, just a couple of years," liam said.

They both shared a laugh, knowing if for nothing else, they were going to bond on this ride about having been around longer then most other humans alive on Earth.

"Hmmm, probably saw some stuff in your day, driving cabs eh?", said Liam, "how about you tell me the top five moments you've ever had driving a cab?"

"I couldn't even begin to think about that. Did I tell you I didn't even want to get up today?", said the cabbie, with the wry smile now gone from his face.

"Ah, come on you old man, live a little!", said Liam.

"Old Man?!?!? I bet you I'm younger", states the cab.

They agree to bet a George Washington on who is the older man but not necessarily wiser one. Liam pulls out his ID first. He's 68 years young. The cabbie pulls out his ID, showing an age of 64 years. Liam pays the young lad.

"Ok, I'll give you my top three, but you need to in turn give me your top three events in a cab ever," says the cabbie, "Deal?".

"Deal", Liam Answers.

Victor Rhia Strailya

I love Melbourne. I tell my friends this, I tell people I don't even know or care for this - that Melbourne is Australia's best kept secret.

To be fair, I don't often have the wherewithal to explain why I dig the second city of Australia. I often stumble about why I love with a sporadic number of reasons. It's the architecture. It's the fact it reminds me of a smaller version of the Northeast US Cities that I know. It's the hidden alley ways or the underground shopping centres. It's the burgeoning music scene not seen in any other Australian city. It's that the Melbournians have an incredible pride in their city. It's there Boston to Sydney's New York. It's each of these reasons individually and collectively.

Heading across the Bolte Bridge after arriving in Melbourne is also one of my favourite things about Melbourne. If you drive in from Avalon at night, just when autumn is turning to winter, the seagulls fly in the bright lights just off the left of the bridge. The lights are bright, seen probably from a gazillion kilometers away. The seagulls fly in circles. The seagulls are large and in charge, swarming several pancake layers tall. If you look close enough you can see the moths swarming to the light. It is those white tinged insects that have brought the Seagulls here, not the bright lights of the Bolte bridge. It is dinner and it is beautiful thing.

God I love Melbourne.